So in my blogging madness that has taken over the last few days, I stumbled across the Archinect supported student blog program and my chosen school, Uof T,
had one listed. Personally I was worried the school would be too analytical and theory based, both important aspects of architecture but a little scary when I got in on the merits of an artistic portfolio and not so much on my math grades. As I searched around through the archives it seems the school is much more art based than I had thought it would be.
This was a major relief to me and put a smile on my face for days. It also prompted a stirring of the creative juices which have been stagnant recently due to my hectic work schedule. But that smile has faded due to a family tradition of endless thought and contemplation on a specific subject. Often this thinking takes place in the background when I'm at work or on the bus. It is especially bad when I wake up early in the morning and my brain 'turns on' and I cannot go back to bed.
This has been the norm lately as I think about school. Will I like my professors? What will the other students be like? Will I even like Toronto? et cetera.
Most of these thoughts are on the negative side since the time for rejoicing has past and the time for serious hard work is fast approaching. Now don't get me wrong, I am still ridiculously happy to be doing this, I guess I just know where I want to end up after school and I'm hoping this school will give me the tools to get me there.