Over the last few days I have been surprised by a few things. Many of which have caught me off guard but made the last few days rather interesting in the sea of architectural madness that I lost myself in this semester.
1 It's Christmas next week. I must have missed the memo on this one. I have but 4 days to start thinking about this, implement a plan, and do some serious shopping.
2 It's winter. Snow lasting more than a week is a novelty out west. Here it seems like a way of life for the next several months.
3 There's a "Field Trip" to Los Angeles next semester. For five days four professors and 30 odd students are trekking off to sunny California to explore Architectural splendor. Some of our professors have serious connections into various offices down there and are working on getting us access to Morphosis and Frank Gehry.
4 I have more food at the studio than I have at home. Seriously.
5 I have at least two weeks off to do nothing.
So I'm heading home to my little house in the Annex. I think I'll exercise my Bockbuster account and see how many bags of popcorn is too many bags of popcorn.