I've been interested in Destroyed Urban Spaces for quite a while now. Most interesting right now is the
MOVE! incident in Philadelphia on May 13, 1985. A situation which spiraled out of control and resulted in the local police dropping a bomb on the house from a helicopter and letting the house [and much of the surrounding ones] burn to the ground. All in all some 62 homes were completely destroyed on the Osage Ave area of West Philadelphia.
I've become fascinated with the cultural conditions surrounding these areas before and after these events.
I'm also starting to become fascinated with crack houses as well, especially when the neighbors have had enough and they storm the place and while brandishing baseball bats kick out all the squatters and addicts - and then burn the house to the ground. No one calls the cops, the fire department is never notified, and the house just burns while the citizens rejoice.
Just some things to think about I guess.