The first victim appears to have succumbed to the workload and pressure and has decided to bail out of the program. Just reminds me of how some people are simply capable of doing this kind of work and others are not. I don't think architects are smarter than other people, their brains are just wired differently: we are in the grey area between artists and engineers - left brain and right brain.
I'm sure he won't be the first to drop out. It has been publicly stated by several professors that their goal is to "weed out" those that can't keep up. It feels like some sort of military exercise where the drill sergeant won't let up until at least one drops out - but in this case I think they want to get rid of 5 or 6.
On another note I'm looking forward to the lecture by Fumihiko Maki on the 22nd as part of the Aga Kahn Lecture Series.
And on the moving in front I managed to locate my kitchen amongst all of the boxes and even managed to make a meal for myself. However I couldn't find any cutlery in the boxes I had opened so far and was forced to eat spaghetti with chopsticks.
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