There is something I think which is rather peculiar about my creative mind. It is my own worst enemy. Often in studio reviews things I have already thought of and either forgot about them because I was too stupid to write them down or simply didn't have the time to complete them are mentioned. Most of the time I am prepared for the criticism I am going to receive, almost down to the point of what they are going to say.
Now self editing happens in all fields, but when you look at something long enough the border between creative and critical viewing becomes blurry. When I look back at the above projects from the last few years not only do I think about what went into them, but I also think about what I would have changed. Perhaps that's where time comes into play. Now matter what it keeps going - moving - changing. Maybe the project never ends. Maybe I'll never be fully satisfied with something.
For those of us lucky enough to have experienced a Richard Serra sculpture, his work is commanding in its massiveness. On the occasion of a 40 year retrospective of his work at MoMA he talks about how he wouldn't build the sweeping forms if he knew what the experience of them would be ahead of time. For Serra it seems to be one large project encompassed in several individual works of art. From each project he learns something and takes it with him.

Can I treat architecture as my personal exploration - a selfish indulgence. It is a rather public art form. Somebody will most likely have to live/work with this thing. I want to build something, not just be a paper architect like the deconstructivists were for so long.
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