The next step/year of school is upon me. On Monday third year begins and the world of electives runs amok. Studio choices are broad and range from: a trip to Santiago to study urban planning, a real design project for a high rise on Bloor Street West designed according to Taoist principles, a carbon neutral school, a[nother] trip to Vegas this time to create a transitory park on an undeveloped area of the Strip, rethinking approaches to residential spatial design, and using sound as a design tool. Choice is broad, professors are good, and I haven't made up my mind yet....
More nerve racking is a required course next semester entitled Thesis Research and Prep. Thesis is appearing on the horizon and admittedly I'm a little nervous. I haven't quite figured out exactly what I'm doing here yet and the carte blanche possibilities makes me feel overwhelmed.
So what is the approach? What I think about architecture would be a good place to start. So what exactly do I think about architecture?
I have no idea...
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