Well. Lets begin with something that nearly killed all of us in the studio. The Proun. Well - its done and was critiqued all day last Monday. 20 or so people stayed up all night Sunday to get it all done after they dumped a little extra work on top of our insurmountable chaos. Four full scale [read poster size] drawings in pen and ink, one essay abstract, one research paper taking up some mental space although not actually due, and yes.....one immaculately constructed Proun. Some Prouns were 10-12 feet high - some were made out of 200 kilos of concrete, some cost students over 350 dollars just in materials.
Needless to say there were more than a few bleary eyed students resembling something out of a zombie movie on Monday; and also explains where I have been for almost two weeks.
One of my best friends was lucky enough to experience the hell that was the week prior to the due date. I really only got to hang out with him for a single day, the day he arrived, and he was pretty much on his own after that. He came all this way to check out Toronto and hang out with me and instead I worked 20 hour days the entire time he was here.
So what exactly have I been up to for a week since then you might ask? Well I slept for most of Tuesday after we all found out that History class was cancelled. Thankfully they sent out e-mails at 10:56am informing us of the cancellation for a class which started at 11:00. I think my dead-pan response was something along the lines of "Fuck you that is not funny" when Lisa told me. Other student reactions were quite similar in language and tone as we loitered in the lobby as a group not really too sure as to what to do with ourselves and our newly acquired 'free day'.
We were handed out an actual building for a project [AT LAST!!!] which involves Basswood and 3/8" industrial felt. I'll give details later but it looks like , dare I say, fun.