Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Time is Money

Professor: "Hey you! The bleary eyed skinny one over there! Yes, you. Want something else to do"
Me: "That's not even close to being funny."
Professor: "Great! Go stand at the Yonge and Bloor subway station interchange platform and track something over time over a period of six hours. Then precisely draw it orthographicly on museum board. It'll be due in a week."
Me: "I thought the project you were handing out was supposed to be an in class assignment, due at the end of the day."
Professor: "Yeah that changed."

I'm so busy it scares me. When they say stand on the subway platform and track something they forget about the numbers. Don't worry it's only 360,000 people a day going through there.

Time is money, and right now I'd pay anything to have more time.

and I have neither.....

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