Alright everyone brush up on your Russian Art History. Back in the 20's and 30's several Russian artists started breaking down art into pure basic elements: line, color, plane, etc. They were looking for a new art - one that wasn't tied down to political ideologies, and nationalism [remember this is post World War and Russian Revolution where these two things were felt to be a key instigator in the death and destruction across Europe] One of these artists, El Lissitzky , came up with what he called a PROUN. It's an anagram from the Russian for "Project for the Affirmation of the New".
Any way......now that you are all caught up courtesy of the link to the Guggenheim above.... we are to analyze a specific Proun and build one based on experiments with possibilities conducted over the next few weeks. Now it's nearly impossible to build one of these due to the optic tricks involved - and to make our job more complex we have to make it move [without hinges, motors or any other commercially available tool].
When it comes to projects.......this is more like it.
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