Friday, November 17, 2006


Everyone wants me to make something. Make a drawing. Make a proposal. Make a building design. Make a poster. It's quite odd. I haven't made anything useful this year until quite recently. All of a sudden everybody wants the fruits of my creative labors.

Of course there was the huge model a few weeks ago along with mixed media presentation panels measuring 4 feet high and 23 feet long. And now Studio wants/needs detailed models of several buildings and necessary circulation routes [which are intensive] for Tuesday.

On the fun side of things is the 3D modeling / 3D printing. Make a digital model. Don't make a physical model - let a computer do that.

The Digital:
The Real:

1 comment:

Matt said...

Clever stuff! This developing technology is going to become increasingly important in many fields, as well as architecture.
Best wishes.